
KNIME – Machine Learning Approach – Classification

It's the standard process everywhere for Machine Learning, aptly summarized in the flowchart below. This is probably one of the simplest depictions you will come across anywhere. A detailed look into the steps from KNIME angle: Load your input dataUnderstand what's in it: Number of Rows and Columns, and Datatypes. Notice these two columns. ?… Continue reading KNIME – Machine Learning Approach – Classification


Speech Recognition Python Module

speechrecognition is a python library for converting speech to text. It can be used as a wrapper module for various speech recognition implementations - recognize_bing(): Microsoft Bing Speechrecognize_google(): Google Web Speech APIrecognize_google_cloud(): Google Cloud Speech - requires installation of the google-cloud-speech packagerecognize_houndify(): Houndify by SoundHoundrecognize_ibm(): IBM Speech to Textrecognize_sphinx(): CMU Sphinx - requires installing PocketSphinxrecognize_wit():… Continue reading Speech Recognition Python Module


Vader – A Python Sentiment Analysis Library

A really small one and a quick fix sentiment analysis. Vader (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) is a sentiment analysis library which gives you a score for every input you give. It's scoring is based on it's lexicon (vader_lexicon.txt) which looks like this and has more than 7500 entries. amor 3.0 0.63246 [3, 3,… Continue reading Vader – A Python Sentiment Analysis Library